Never Say Never (unless…)

I swore I’d never get married again.

We’ve all sworn off something at one time or another.

We had a bad experience and it tarnished our outlook.

Maybe it was a relationship that was “one for the [horror] books”, so now you’re never going to date again.

Maybe it was a humiliating experience at the gym, and now you’re canceling your membership.

Maybe it was a fumble on a public stage, leaving you wanting to change careers.

Maybe you’ve tried changing your diet but all you felt was empty, hungry and bitter.

Bad experiences can absolutely change your opinion of something.

But what about the lessons?

Every embarrassing moment I’ve experienced (omg there are soooo many) helped me become more resilient (and have also helped me embrace my weird, quirky side).

Every awful relationship I’ve had (there've been some doozies, including marriage # 1) helped me understand who I am and what I deserve. ✌

Mistakes are only mistakes if you don’t learn anything from them.

Otherwise they are lessons. Beautiful, grand, challenging, and glorious lessons.

I’ve learned to laugh at myself so that I can laugh with others.

I’ve learned to never say never. (This time doesn’t count. 🤭)

I’ve learned that I am strong enough to overcome anything.

Closing ourselves off to pain also closes us off to joy.

Yes, being vulnerable means risking being hurt, but without vulnerability we can’t receive love and joy and happiness and acceptance.

With my MANY life lessons, I’ve learned that the risk is definitely worth it.

We have no guarantees in life. None. But we can sure as hell make the most of every day, every lesson, every experience that we’re privileged enough to live through.

If you are adamant about using the word “never”, then:

• NEVER give up on yourself.
• NEVER shrink yourself (for anyone).
• NEVER stop loving yourself.
• NEVER doubt your worth.
• NEVER stop being kind.
• NEVER lose sight of your big picture.
• NEVER stop learning from your “mistakes”.
• NEVER skip self-care.
• NEVER stop being curious.
• NEVER listen to the naysayers.
• NEVER stop being you.

Go back and revisit some of your “never agains” to be sure there isn’t something there.

Something just below the pain that could be reframed into something positive and beautiful.

Seven years ago, I said “Never again.” 😡

Four years ago, I said “Yes.” 💍

Two years ago, I said “I do.” 😍

NEVER ever again will I close myself off to opportunities that could add value to my life. I’m willing to take a risk because the reward is just oh so sweet. ❤️


Losing Yourself to Accommodate Others


Junk Pushers