Make Plans, Not Resolutions

I’m only making three New Year’s resolutions this year:

1) Plan

2) Practice

3) Live my best life

Statistically, New Year’s resolutions largely fall off by the third week in January, and then another drop in February. 


Because we’re making declarations, not plans. 

But we have amazing intentions. 😞

We’re going to lose weight.

We’re going to grow our business.

We’re going to eat healthier. 

We’re going to set boundaries.

We’re going to go to bed earlier.

We’re going to scroll less.

We’re going to exercise. 

If we want these things so badly (and we do), then why would we ever stop doing the things that get us there?

Because we aren’t connecting to WHY we want these things. 

Because we aren’t then formulating a plan to work towards these things. 

And then we aren’t practicing every single day until we build habits that help us achieve these things.

Resolve to PLAN for everything you truly want. 

Resolve to PRACTICE whatever it is you need to in order to get really good at it. 

Resolve to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE by treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and patience, and by opting out of the comparison game. 

Seriously, get out a notepad and pen and write down everything you want to achieve (aka “resolutions”). 

Then go through each item and create a [realistic] goal around it.

Then make a plan for how you’re going to [realistically] work towards it. 

Small steps.

Meaningful steps.

Forward steps.

A resolution without a plan is simply a wish. 

And wishing for what you want is nice, but actually working for what you want is life-changing. 

Get uncomfortable. 

Get determined.

Get fierce.

Get results. 

Resolve to make 2025 your best year yet.

Because you deserve to live your best life. 




Dear Child Me: My Journey to Healing